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Diet Steamer

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Steaming is the only cooking method that does not disturb the molecular structure of food, which plays an important role in retaining minerals and vitamins.

Additionally, it also preserves the original shape, color, and freshness of the cooked food. What’s more, the Ultra Diet Steamer is made of AISI 304 food grade

stainless steel metal that does not leach into food, thereby preventing contamination. Thus, making it a healthy choice for all.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
About Us, Diet Steamer, Pressure Cookers, Gas Stove, Ebony (6. 5 L), Embossed Film, Plastic Embossed Film, Stainless Steel 0. 5L Jar Vario And Stealth, Stainless Steel 1. 5L Jar Vario And Stealth, Starch Remover (1. 9L) Mrp 490, Wet Grinders, Vegetable Chopper, Vario Red, Vario Chopper, Vario Blue, Stealth, Mixer Grinders Accessories, Mixer Grinders, Meta 1000 Silver, Juicer Jar Vario And Stealth, Endura Handi (3L), Endura (3L), Endura (2L), Ebony (5 L), Ebony (3 L), Ebony (2 L), Diet Cooker (3L)